7 Digital Tools That Might Actually Ease Your Stress

Maybe, like me, you’re not so interested in getting entangled in a “happiness” app that’s more of a job than a mood lifter. But, still, we could all use a little stress relief now and then, right? Here are a few options that may come in handy:

1. Looking for a quiet place in a noisy city? Stereopublic, described as “a sonic health service for built environments,” is an app and site that “crowdsources information about calm spaces in cities around the world.” Find the Zen near you.


2. Maybe you just need to change the aural mood right where you are. Noisli generates a variety of soothing background sounds, from a forest to a café.


3. Calm.com offers time-specific break routines: Watch some clouds and listen to a comforting voice coach you through a brief chill-out session.


4. Focus@will plays “phase sequence instrumental music” — not too boring, not too distracting — that promises to increase your attention span.


5. AmbiScience Relax offers a mix of ambient music, “nature/noise” audio, and something called “entrainment/brainwave” tracks — supposedly providing sonic nudges to the brain to reach an ideal state (such as sleep).


6. Headspace promises to teach you to meditate, in 10 minutes a day.


7. Buddhify is another meditation app, with a variety of guided meditations — including one that supposedly allows you to “meditate while online.”


SEE ALSO: Can an App Make You Happy?

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