24 Thrilling Periscopes I Was Invited to View This Morning


Periscope, the much-hyped live-streaming app from Twitter, is out today. It may one day prove to be a smash broadcasting success, launching Periscope celebrities, multi-million dollar advertising deals, and a thriving teenage subculture that old people like me can’t understand.

Today, it is insanely, almost aggressively boring.

Below, I’ve listed the titles of 23 different Periscope streams that I found in my feed over the course of my first thirty minutes on the app. Let this document stand in perpetuity, as either evidence of why Periscope never “happened,” or of the ungainly first days of an app where people had no idea what they were doing and almost ruined it for everyone.


  1. I don’t know what’s going on!!

  2. look it’s my dumb face

  3. Live from waiting for my laundry to dry

  4. Live from my toilet

  5. Just eating some carrots

  6. Heading to the office via Metro Los Angeles red line

  7. A commute with two kids

  8. Commute to work!

  9. The office…

  10. Office

  11. My office!

  12. Testing periscope at the office

  13. Office life!

  14. At work checking periscopes capabilities and weaknesses

  15. Check out my TweetDeck

  16. Cruise my tweetdeck with me

  17. Twitter on Periscope

  18. Testing Periscope from the WeDidIt office in Brooklyn

  19. Rain falling down my office window…

  20. I wish there was someone else in the office to Periscope with.

  21. Dan working hard in the office

  22. Datastorm office live streaming from San Pedro Valley

  23. Coworker brewing tea

  24. I’m already sick of office tour streams

Thrilling stuff, everyone.

You can follow me on Periscope at the username jog. I’ve got some laundry that needs drying!