iTunes: Free Tuesday

Once again, TUAW is pleased to present you with a selection of free songs and videos from around the world. Many of these iTMS items won't be free for long, so grab your copies before the week is up. And don't forget: If you want to buy these on your iPhone or iPod touch, make sure to sign into your account in iTunes before you sync.

Follow the jump for this week's free iTunes offerings.

US Items

US: Blind Pilot, Go On, Say It - Single of the Week
Each week we find a track from an artist or a band we've been enjoying and bring it to you, for free, as our Single of the Week. "Go On, Say It" is an exemplary bit of minimalist melancholy from the Portland duo known as Blind Pilot. Acoustic guitars, brushed drums, strings, and chiming percussion combine to create a sweet bit of pleading heartbreak. The song comes from the album 3 Rounds and a Sound, and the album is a new favorite around here - working in the same areas as the Shins or Death Cab for Cutie, but with a more homespun, folk feel.

US: The Body Snatchers, Call Me - Discovery Download
Our Discovery Download puts the focus on a different genre each week, offering up a free track we think is worth your attention. The Body Snatchers is the name taken by the underground dance producers 30Hz and Baobinga and Feeling Good, Looking Nice, Smelling Right is the first full-length to come from these beat-possessed, freak-obsessed minds. "Call Me" is an intergalactic dose of crunked-up, electro-infused dirty breaks with Sporty-O (recently signed to Lil Jon's label) adding in gold-chain-wearing rhymes and Yolanda (as heard with Bugz in the Attic) arriving to anchor the track to the earth with her swooning vocal hook.

US: Ximena Sariñana, Normal - Canción de la Semana
Normal - Canción de la Semana A star of screens both small and large, Ximena Sariñana has also flirted with music throughout various periods in her young career. But the music contained on her official full-length debut, Mediocre is her most complete statement yet. Her individual songwriting style has a wounded jazzy style that is somewhere between Norah Jones and Fiona Apple, but she has a more evocative way of enunciating - and the instrumentation has a luscious, rock-edged feel. Each week, we find a track from an artist or a band who's on the cusp of success and bring it to you, for free, as our Canción de la Semana. Ximena Sariñana

US: Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
Popular philosophy.

International Music

Australia: Little Red, Witchdoctor - Single of the Week
Each week we find a track from an artist or a band we've been enjoying and bring it to you, for free, as our Single of the Week. They're hip. They've got the groove. They've got the suits. They're the "next big thing" coming out of Melbourne. Combining R and B, soul and early rock 'n' roll, the Little Red lads have just released their debut album Listen to Little Red - and listen you should. Check out this week's free Single of the Week "Witchdoctor" for a small taste of the rhythm and harmonies that has everyone buzzing about this band.

New Zealand: Little Red, Witchdoctor - Single of the Week
Each week we find a track from an artist or a band we've been enjoying and bring it to you, for free, as our Single of the Week. They're hip. They've got the groove. They've got the suits. They're the "next big thing" coming out of Melbourne. Combining R and B, soul and early rock 'n' roll, the Little Red lads have just released their debut album Listen to Little Red - and listen you should. Check out this week's free Single of the Week "Witchdoctor" for a small taste of the rhythm and harmonies that has everyone buzzing about this band.

Canada: Matt Mays & El Torpedo, Building a Boat - Single of the Week
Each week we find a track from an artist or a band we've been enjoying and bring it to you, for free, as our Single of the Week. "Building a Boat" is a track off of Terminal Romance, the new album of solid, red-blooded, honest-to-goodness real rock 'n' roll from Matt Mays and El Torpedo. We're' not hiding it - we love this guy. The riffs on this particular song could be used to either cut glass or to insulate a small house - such is the nature of their sharpness and density. But a riff is nothing without a tune underneath and Mays and company have devised one that is sneering bit of empowerment for anyone who still believes it's okay to put on their favorite song, go nuts, raise their fists, and howl at the moon.

Nederland: Matt Costa, Lilacs -Single van de week
Elke week vinden we een nummer van een artiest of band die wij goed vinden, en bieden wij je die gratis aan, als onze Single van de Week. "Lilacs" is de pittige track, gedreven door een akoestische gitaar van Matt Costa's stevige album Unfamiliar Faces, de opvolger van zijn debuut in 2005 Songs We Sing. Op "Lilacs" horen we Costa zijn aangename melodieën verpakken in steeds ambitieuzer wordende pakketjes die doen denken aan de Shins, Spoon en Ben Folds.

UK: Cajun Dance Party, The Hill. the View & The Lights - Single of the Week
Each week we find a track from an artist or a band we've been enjoying and bring it to you, for free, as our Single of the Week. Cajun Dance Party has been on our radar for a while now thanks to some of the gloriously ragged tunes on the band's debut, The Colourful Life. You may have heard the more urgent guitar pop on "The Next Untouchable", but this tune takes a different tack. The biggest switch comes in the song's first half when keyboard player Vicky Freund takes a turn at the vocals. Starting like a dreamy, indie-rock waltz, the track shows flickers of atmosphere in the bells and the slightly noir-like twang of the guitar. Halfway through, singer Daniel Blumberg takes over to introduce the grandiose, chaotic second phase. It's a harmonious bit of moody respite from our new London-based faves.

France: The Rodeo, Hard to Say - Single de la semaine
Membre du mythique combo parisien Hopper, The Rodeo a pris la clef du chant. Lancée sur la route de ses influences, guitare au cou, elle est allée à la rencontre de sa musique. Six cordes, une voix, divine et pure. Son timbre chaud et âpre enveloppe des ballades douces-amères, des comptines de la vie ordinaire, de celles qui deviennent extraordinaires quand on sait les chanter.Néo-folk, country urbaine, blues post-moderne : on songe à Devendra Branhart, Cat Power, Natasha Khan ou Alela Diane. Sur scène, la jeune femme envoûte. On l'a vue sur les scènes de Paris, en première partie de My Brightest Diamond, Nina Nastasia, Declan de Barra, Ilene Barnes, Phoebe Killdeer (Nouvelle Vague), Sharko, Logh et d'autres artistes français telles que Constance Verluca, Valérie Leulliot, Jeanne Cherhal… Le récent festival SxSW 2008 à Austin, au Texas, l'a accueillie à bras ouverts. Un signe qui ne trompe pas et annonce des lendemains qui chantent, avec la voix de The Rodeo.Si vous aimez ce morceau, découvrez l'EP.

Japan: Uhnellys, Don't stop - 今週のシングル
今週のシングル, ブレイク直前の新進アーティストをご紹介するこのページ。今週は、Kim と midi*による男女2人のユニット Uhnellys(ウーネリーズ)。 ベースヴォーカル+ドラム+サンプリングという基本編成に、Kim のブルージィでユニークなラップと、 midi*のドラムグルーヴが乗る。ロック、ジャズ、Hip-hop などのスタイルが融合した革新サウンドで、都内ライブハウスを中心に話題を呼んでいる。これまでに共演したアーティストは Melt-Banana、54-71、少年ナイフ、ズボンズ、犬式など。また、the Eternals、the Baker Brothers などのオープニングを務め、ヨーロッパツアーを行うなど海外にも活動拡大中だ。奇才がウネるグルーヴ、"Don't Stop" をフリーダウンロード。Uhnellys