GFW mag peeps Bioware's latest RPG, Dragon Age

1UP reports that their soon to be relaunched sister publication, the elegantly titled Games for Windows the Official Magazine (née Computer Gaming World), will have the scoop on Dragon Age, the latest RPG from Canadian developer Bioware. 1UP says it uses an evolved form of Baldur's Gate's"tactical real-time combat" and a "modified" version of Mass Effect's branching conversation system to bring us a new, "much darker" outing than earlier titles like Jade Empire.

So, why is this a fetching cover model for the newly relaunched mag (and the newly reinvigorated Games for Window marketing campaign leading up to the Vista launch)? Because Bioware has been all over the console scene lately, with initial releases of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Jade Empire hitting the Xbox first, and Mass Effect slated to be a 360 exclusive. Dragon Age will mark the developer's first PC debut title since 2002's Neverwinter Nights ... but how long until they exploit Microsoft's XNA cross-platform tools and release a 360 port?

[Thanks, EvanB]