Jade Empire's grand PC makeover

Jade Empire's grand makeover for PC
Jade Empire's grand makeover for PC

BioWare's three-year absence from the PC (not counting those fine Neverwinterpremium mods) is about to come to an end in January when the revamped Jade Empire ships. According to project director Diarmid Clarke, the 3 million-strong fan community asked for some overdue PC love, and the Canadian developer responded. Speaking with FiringSquad, Clarke discusses Jade's new levels and fighting styles, reveals a few new enemies, and explains the decision to recruit Gray Matter (Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Call of Duty: United Offensive) to assist with the port from Xbox.

The high-res coat of paint and enhanced effects are evident in the latest batch of screens, but it will be interesting to see if fans take their Chinese kung fu mythology with the fully customizable mouse and keyboard controls, or the more familiar Xbox controller. Which will you choose?

See also: