Jade Empire on PC, Alienware giveaway

Jade Empire PC, Alienware contest
Jade Empire PC, Alienware contest

This week at E3, BioWare announced they will be porting their Xbox hit Jade Empire to the PC. To commemorate the event, registered members of the Canadian developer's community site can enter to win an Alienware Area-51 5500 PC with Intel's Dual Core technology.

The updated version of Jade Empire will include shinier graphics and new fighting styles, as well as additional enemy types and increased difficulty levels. LTI Gray Matter has been tapped to handle conversion duties, but with Microsoft Game Studios out of the picture, BioWare is looking for a publishing partner to get the new and improved Jade out by year's end.

It will be interesting to see how the new keyboard control scheme works out for Jade's real-time combat. Hopefully, the transition will feel as natural as the turn-based fighting in KOTOR. For more information, check out GameSpot's first look from E3.