Bioware to show off Jade Empire 2 at E3?

X360Central reads two puts two separate BioWare interviews together and comes up with one Jade Empire sequel:

April 10 FiringSqad:

FiringSquad: What other hints can you give us about upcoming projects at BioWare?

Ray Muzyka: We're looking forward to announcing details about our new MMO being developed in BioWare Austin in the near future. We also have an unannounced surprise or two in the works which we will also be sharing at E3 2006, in addition to showing Mass Effect there. The Dragon Age team is hard at work and we%uFFFDre very excited about how the game is looking so far!

November 11 GameSpot:

"BioWare definitely plans to continue the Jade Empire franchise," reads one of Muzyka's responses. "The Jade team did a great job with the first game in that series; we have great teams working on all of our games here. We've also said in the past that we're working on not just one, but two Xbox 360 titles. Enough said"

So is a new Jade set in stone or does the much-admired KOTR crew have a real surprise up their Bio-sleeve?