This Comic Knows the Struggle of Being a Woman Is Real

Bras digging into our backs. Lipstick everywhere. Untimely periods. Random hairs. These are just a few of the daily struggles we women go through to look good, and 21-year-old Romanian-Canadian artist Cassandra Calin totally gets it. But instead of commiserating with us over our hardships, she’s making ladies laugh at the ridiculousness of our lives with beautiful yet all too real comics.

While Calin, a cartoonist, illustrator and graphic designer based in Montreal, draws comics inspired by her life, “first world problems and goofy stuff in general,” she taps into the lives of women all over the world, finding the humor in annoying situations we can all relate to. Like, picking up a normal looking sweater only to realize it’s a crop top.

Or feeling really good about going makeup-free, until someone asks, “what’s wrong?”

One of our favorites is her truth series about hair.

“All my hair comics and jokes are ideas I’ve got after struggling with my hair that day,” Calin told Epoch Times. “I eventually made a list of things that annoy me about my hair and I drew everything based on that. There were so many things I wanted to talk about that I even made a second part to my 9 truths series about having long hair.”

When she’s not drawing comics, the self-taught artist likes to sleep, according to her FAQ page.

It takes her two to four hours to draw a comic, like this one about the misery that is shopping for swimsuits.

She just gets us.