‘Instagram Husbands’ Hits a Little Too Close to Home

Behind every Instagram woman happily baking Christmas cookies in a perfectly styled kitchen is a supportive guy snapping photos, who leaves fawning comments and emoji on those photos and is saddled with the sole responsibility of making his other half look good. Can you relate? Now there is a support group for this beleaguered group of men.

This hilarious parody video sheds light on the Instagram Husband: the faceless, invisible human tripods behind those lively women of Instagram. These men are often underappreciated members of society. They’re forced to take photos on demand, “delete all other apps from their phone just to make room for more photos,” and not eat or drink anything until their Instagram partner captures it on film.

“I’m basically a human selfie stick,” says Instagram Husband Tre.

Foodies of Instagram particularly know the pain. “We used to eat out food. Now we just take pictures of it,” says IG husband Jeff.

This video, produced by “The Mystery Hour,” a comedy show that airs in syndication on Fox, was intended as satire about the impact of social media on relationships. But real men can relate — it’s already gathered over 2 million views on YouTube.

“We want Instagram Husbands to know there is a safe place for them outside of the demands of their Instagram Wife,” Jeff Houghton of “The Mystery Hours” told Yahoo Food.

The end of the video directs people to Instagramhusband.com, which is full of posts by Instagram husbands, giving credence to the adage, “It’s funny, because it’s true.”

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