Von Dutch

  • NewsYahoo Life

    Alert Ashton Kutcher! Forever 21 Is Selling VonDutch Trucker Hats 

    Forever 21 will drag everyone back to the early 2000’s even if mass kicking and screaming commences. The brand is trying to sell customers Von Dutch trucker hats as if there aren’t already three gathering dust in the back of my closet underneath a Gap hoodie, a mood ring, and 35 spaghetti strap tank tops. Some customers may be too young to remember a pre-Ibiza DJing Paris Hilton and That 70’s Show-era Ashton Kutcher, but those who grew up back in simpler times (like when The Simple Life was on

  • NewsYahoo Style

    Kylie Jenner Really Wants Von Dutch to Come Back

    What started with ’90s chokers, vintage T-shirts, and crop tops has continued with Kylie Jenner championing a brand we’ve all likely forgotten about: Von Dutch.