Travel Guide:sonoma

  • NewsYahoo Travel

    Getting the Most Out of a Wine-Soaked Weekend in Sonoma

    North of San Francisco, Napa Valley is rightly world famous as a scenic wine-producing region and as a great destination for a weekend trip from the city. Sonoma County spans westward from Napa across farmlands, mountains, and an expansive seashore, covering an area the size of Rhode Island, with more than 400 wineries and 16 different wine appellations growing in “more soil types than all of France.” Sonoma County encompasses both the Sonoma Valley wine area and the city of Sonoma, so visitors

  • NewsYahoo Travel

    Forget a Hotel — Here's How to Snag a Villa on the Vineyard

    For the tail end of this year’s “crush” – i.e., the brief window in the fall when wineries are picking grapes and making juice that they will turn into the year’s wine vintage – I stayed in the guest villa at the Jordan Winery in Sonoma, Calif., Wine Enthusiast’s 2014 Winery of the Year.