Couple Finally Open Mysterious Letter Given To Them On Their Wedding Day Nine Years Ago


[Photo: Facebook/Love What Matters]

With most wedding gifts, it doesn’t take long to open them and crack on with writing the thank-you letters.

But Kathy and Brandon Gunn, who married back in 2007, recently realised they had one gift still left to open from nine years ago.

It was a small parcel with an envelope attached, labelled ‘Do NOT open until 1st disagreement’ given to them by Katy’s Great Aunt Alison.

And just over a week ago, they finally decided to see what was inside.


[Photo: Facebook/Love What Matters]

According to their Facebook post on the page Love What Matters, the pair were enjoying a glass of wine and getting excited about an upcoming wedding they were attending, which made them remember the unopened gift.

And so, they opened it. Inside was nothing too outstanding - it was a box containing wine glasses, a vase and bath products - but they say that the lesson the box taught them was far more valuable.

They said that while there have been “plenty of disagreements, arguments and slammed doors throughout our 9 [sic] years”, and “even a couple of instances where we both considered giving up”, they had never opened the box:


[Photo: Facebook/Love What Matters]

“So, it forced us to reassess situations. Was it really time to open the box? What if this isn’t our worst fight? What if there’s a worse one ahead of us and we don’t have our box?!?”

“For 9 years (and three moves) that box sat high on a shelf in various closets gathering dust, yet it somehow taught us about tolerance, understanding, compromise and patience.

“Our marriage strengthened as we became best friends, partners, and teammates. Today, we decided to open that box, because I finally had a realization.

“I realized that the tools for creating and maintaining a strong, healthy marriage were never within that box – they were within us.“

Read the full post here.

What do you think of Great Aunt Alison’s message? Tweet us at @YahooStyleUK.

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