Michael Kors Now Offers Insta Gratification

Ever want to shop your Instagram feed?

Michael Kors is helping its three million (and counting) Instagram followers to do just that with the launch of #InstaKors.

The new tool, which merges social media and e-commerce, means that users can save items from @michaelkors to a wish list by tagging posts with the handle #InstaKors. When they do so, they get a personalized email with links to buy the objects of their desire.

“I’ve said it before, but we really do live in a selfie world,” says Michael Kors, of the new venture. “Everyone is on Instagram. It’s inspirational, aspirational, and now, with #InstaKors, it’s attainable. If fashion is a reflection of the world we live in, Instagram is the three-way mirror.”

In 2013, Michael Kors was the first brand to publish a sponsored ad on Instagram (a pic of a gold Michael Kors watch surrounded by very tasty-looking macarons.) The move worked, generating some 34,000 new Instagram followers for @michaelkors in the first 18 hours it ran.

Thanks to #InstaKors, with a few clicks, that bauble (or the latest bag, shoe, or coat) could be in the mail in no time. We adore Kors and Instagram in equal measure, but clearly, this could get us into some serious insta trouble.