This Gym Advertisement Is Using Aliens to Fat Shame People Into Working Out

This Gym Advertisement Is Using Aliens to Fat Shame People Into Working Out

There are advertisements with subtle fat-shaming undertones. And then there's this billboard ad for a gym in England that's so overtly fat-shaming, it's laughable.

"They're coming... and when they arrive they'll take the FAT ones first," the gym's advertisement, plastered on the side of a convenience store in Derbyshire, read. "Save yourself," it said in the corner above a website address to subscribe to the gym.

The gym, Fit4Less, told Derby Telegraph that it was simply taking a "lighted-hearted approach" in its advertising and meant no harm, but anti-bullying activist Natalie Harvey was "shocked" when she passed the sign.

"Just this week alone I've had three cases of bullying due to weight issues and I feel campaigns like this aid bullying," Harvey told the Telegraph. "I couldn't believe it when I saw it, it's 2016 – this sort of fat-shaming humor is offensive."

But Jan Spaticchia, the CEO of the gym's parent company, said the fat-shaming alien ad has been successful. "We have found that by taking a lighted-hearted approach we can connect with more people who would enjoy what we have to offer," he told the Telegraph. "It's a little harmless fun."

Spaticchia said the ad will stay put.