Tumblr of the Day: Spotted! Tasmania's Cat-Sized Eastern Quoll



Isolated Tasmania is home to a unique array of flora and fauna. One of the lesser known local species is the cat-sized eastern quoll. This spotted, pink button-nosed fella can be quite commonly found throughout the state sleeping in hollowed-out logs or rocky dens. As carnivorous marsupials, they emerge mainly at night to hunt.

Sadly, quolls have not been spotted on mainland Australia since the 1960s. Tasmania’s lack of competitive predators and widespread untouched natural landscape have allowed quolls to continue to thrive on the island state.

The pictured quoll was shot while visiting the Trowunna Wildlife Park at Mole Creek. This sanctuary nurtures and allows Tasmania’s native flora and fauna to thrive. The park also houses the world’s largest heritage population of endangered Tasmanian Devils. A tour of the north isn’t complete without taking a brief 15-minute detour off the main highway between Deloraine and Elizabeth Town to see these incredible animals up close.

Go Behind The Scenery here.

Photo Credit: Published on Instagram by jayedevil.