Campari and Soda

Photo credit: Corbis

Wait a second: It’s Friday afternoon and you don’t have a drink in your hand yet? Time to change that. It’s getting warm out, so you’ll want something refreshing. And end-of-week cocktails should be unfussy cocktails, so cut yourself a break and keep the number of ingredients to a minimum.

You need a Campari and soda.

It’s I-can’t-work-a-second-longer easy. Campari provides a gently bitter note, soda some invigorating bubbles, and a slender slice of orange peel contributes a delicately floral note. Change the ratio of Campari to soda depending on just how rough your week has been.

Bonus: If you have one too many of these tonight (and you’re feeling it tomorrow), drink another Campari and soda in the morning to make it all better.

"My personal favorite Hair of the Dog is the Campari and soda," bartender Bryan Tetorakis told Eater last year. (Tetorakis slings drinks at Rogue 24 in Washington, D.C.) ”The Campari is bitter, so it settles your stomach, and the carbonation from the soda takes the low [alcohol content] cocktail and shoots it straight into your bloodstream.”

Campari and soda, the drink that (sort of) looks out for you.

Campari and Soda
Serves 1

2 oz Campari
Orange peel

In glass, pour Campari over ice. Top with seltzer. Stir briefly. Garnish with a slice of orange peel.