When Brigitte Macron met Rihanna: two new takes on Parisian style

Brigitte Macron and Rihanna today - REUTERS
Brigitte Macron and Rihanna today - REUTERS

French First Lady Brigitte Macron greeted Bajan pop icon Rihanna in Paris this afternoon to discuss France’s funding of international education, prompting an unusual meeting of two very different takes on French style.

The discussion was set up after the singer directly tweeted French President Emmanuel Macron asking if he would commit to #FundEducation. His response was to invite Rihanna to speak with him directly at the Elysée Palace.

The unconventional occasion called for a change in dress codes for all parties involved - how would Rihanna the pop star, most at home in a marabou-trimmed Prada crop top or a tulle red carpet gown, show a world leader that she means business? Likewise, how could the Macrons indicate that they can connect with a younger audience and the issues that matter to them, ensuring that they don’t come across as stuffy politicians?

Rihanna in Prada last night
Rihanna in Prada last night
Rihanna and Brigitte Macron
Rihanna and Brigitte Macron today

The answer in Brigitte Macron’s case was to wear one of her favourite power jackets, but with indigo skinny jeans to relax the overall effect. Teamed with her signature heels, she looked like her usual, polished self, but showed that she was paying attention to her company.

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For Rihanna, it was all about smartening up in a Christian Dior suit, but done her own way with oversized proportions and silver stilettos. It was a completely different vibe, for example, to the red Bar jacket and skirt that Melania Trump chose to wear from the utterly French brand when she visited Paris last week. But wearing French labels when meeting French politicians will of course offer a subliminal sign of allegiance (not to mention the fact that Rihanna is a high profile Dior ambassador) and, with that sartorial trick up her elongated sleeve, Rihanna is showing that she can do diplomatic dressing like the best of them.

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