Ben Affleck Confirmed For New Batman Trilogy

From Esquire UK

Despite rumours that Warner Bros. were reportedly planning to "gracefully" usher him out of the role, we knew we hadn't seen the last of The Batfleck.

Affleck, and Warner Bros, quickly debunked those myths and now, it looks like he is here to stay, as are reporting that he has signed up for a further three movies under the watchful gaze of director Matt Reeves.

Not only is Affleck still very much on board for the totally re-worked The Batman, he's also reportedly up for Reeves' trilogy and an adaptation of Batman Beyond for good measure.

Although things have been pretty difficult for the solo Batman movie so far, it seems as though there's going to be a long wait for anyone expecting Batfleck to cast off the cowl any time soon.

Appearing at San Diego Comic-Con earlier this month, Affleck told a crowded Hall that he was the "luckiest guy in the world" to be playing the one and only Dark Knight.

"Batman is the coolest part in any universe, Marvel, DC, anything… I still can't believe [I'm doing] it. Everyone at the studio tells me I'm their Batman and I believe it.

"And Matt Reeves? I'd be an ape on the ground for Matt Reeves. I'm blown away and its an exciting time in the DC Universe. I'm excited to be Batman," he said.

The Batman might be a while away yet, but in the meantime you'll be able to catch Affleck when Justice League opens on November 17.

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