Bella Thorne Talks Fashion, Followers, and Christian Bale's Beard


Bella Thorne at the Candie’s Holiday presentation. Courtesy Candie’s

Bella Thorne just turned 17, but don’t tell that to her resume. The Florida native is already a TV star, a rock singer, a YA author, and a fashion model—currently for the wholesome-with-a-wink brand Candie’s.

The good (and shocking) news: Though the natural redhead’s been working since she was six weeks old (when she posed for Parents magazine), Ms. Thorne is no robot. At Candie’s holiday and resort presentation in NYC, she curled up barefoot with a blanket and hot chocolate to talk fashion, Instagram, and her big starstruck Hollywood moment with Christian Bale.

Yahoo Style: At Fashion Week, you were front row at Jeremy Scott with the stylist Johnny Wujek. How’d you meet?

Bella Thorne: We met last year, on my first Candie’s shoot! He was styling me, and I loved him… The way we work is, Johnny shows up with three racks, and I say “no” to everything but like, three pieces. Those are the only things I’ll try on. I’m very picky, and I’m very specific on what I like… But Johnny sends me runway photos before he pulls the actual clothes, so a lot of me getting dressed happens via text!

YS: Johnny also dresses Katy Perry. Are you ever worried you’re wearing her castoffs?

BT: No! We have such different styles. Even if Johnny connects us, we wouldn’t be caught in the same thing, ever.

YS: How do you dress when you travel?

BT: You know you’re always getting photographed when you get on a plane. That’s a given. So when I fly, it’s leather jeans, a tank top, a leather jacket, boots, my Alexander Wang bag, and a flannel. You have to layer because—well, I do, because I’m freezing all the time. I have a blanket, a jacket, a sweater, I’m always still cold! But luckily, the layering also looks cool.

YS: What do you to when you want to be incognito?

BT: Put my hair up in a bun! My mom just saw a photo of me and asked, “Why do you look bald?” And it’s because they pulled all my hair up behind my head, so it totally changed my look, especially with my pale face and pale eyebrows.

YS: You have millions of followers. Do you read all their comments?

BT: I won’t actively scroll through Instagram, because what some people say—their opinions are so unnecessary. It’s like, if you don’t like me, then why are you on my Instagram? There must be some reason. You must be obsessed with me. If you really didn’t like me, you wouldn’t be commenting on all my stuff.

YS: Do you comment on other people’s stuff? Like, strangers?

BT: Oh yeah, all the time. I follow so many people I don’t know. And there’s a lot of people that I’ve actually started talking to because we see each other on Instagram! Like, okay, Juliet Lewis just followed me. How freaking cool is that? I’m such a fan of hers. I follow her, and she liked a photo of mine! I got so excited.

YS: You should join her band.

BT: I would love it. It would be amazing.

YS: Young kids get so excited when they meet you. But do you ever get star struck?

BT: Oh, all the time. I was at the dinner for the movie Out of the Furnace with my sister, Dani. We’re there and we look like twins. Everyone’s in ball gowns, and then Woody Harrelson walks in and how cool is this—he shows up in pajamas, a beanie, and slippers—real slippers. Dani and I walk up to him, and we’re like, “We’re sorry, we just really love your outfit.” And he’s like, “Do you guys want to hang out?” And he starts hanging out with us in the back of the room. And then Edward Norton shows up and he’s talking to me for an hour and I didn’t know it was Edward Norton. He’s telling me about his planes and where he flies, and then he starts making fun of me and calling me a Valley Girl because I haven’t been to everywhere in the world like he has! And then Christian Bale walks in. And he’s my favorite actor in the whole world. And I’m like, “Whatever, I’m never gonna meet Christian Bale.”

YS: But you did. Is it because he saw you on Instagram?

BT: Ha! No. He walks right up to us. Christian Bale looks at me and goes, “Oh my god, it’s Bella Thorne from Shake It Up.” This really happened. And the whole time, he’s like, “I love your show! My daughter makes me watch it with her. Every time I try to DVR a show about motorcycles, she tapes over it and records your show instead. I’ve seen every episode of your show!”

YS: And what did you say?

BT: I was in shock. I’m worried he thought I was rude. His beard, by the way? I’m not gonna lie. It looks really soft.

YS: The publicist is giving us a weird look. Okay. Back to Candie’s. You got to pose with puppies in the campaign! Did you get to keep one of them?

BT: I didn’t get any puppies this time! But at my first Candie’s shoot, the first time around, I posed with a bunch of kittens. And kittens are my favorite. So I adopted one of the kittens on that shoot! His name is Louie. He’s the background on my iPhone right now, see?

YS: So your pet cat is also a model.

BT: Nah. He’s just a badass. That cat will beat up anyone. He’ll beat up Kingston, my dog. He’ll beat up mean people on Instagram. He can take anyone.