
NBA star who signed $120 million contract is perfectly content riding coach

In case you didn't instantly recognize the subject of this Vine video, that's Damian Lillard of the Portland Trail Blazers. In case you haven't been following the NBA offseason, Lillard signed a max contract with the team last week worth $120 million. And in case you've never been on a commercial airplane, the area of the cabin that Lillard is aboard is traditionally known as "coach."

That's right. Just days after inking one of the biggest contracts imaginable, a 120-million-dollar-man is keeping it real in the land of little legroom.


Granted the all-star point guard enjoyed a little extra leg room on his way to the NBA Summer League in Las Vegas by scoring an enviable exit row seat, but let's not overlook the fact that it's a dreaded middle seat.

What do you think is more comforting to his fellow passengers? Knowing that a millionaire 120 times over can stay this humble, or knowing that one of the greatest athletes alive will be on hand to man the exit the event of an emergency landing?