
Leicester captain Wes Morgan signs hilarious contract with the other Captain Morgan


There’s only one Captain Morgan!

Well, technically, there’s two. There’s the spiced rum adult beverage and there’s the Leicester defender who went on an incredible Premier League title rum run last season. In one of the finest cases of nominative determinism in world soccer, the Foxes star has become a brand ambassador for the Caribbean booze.

However, this does not appear to be any ordinary kind of sponsorship. Morgan has taken to Twitter to share a screengrab of his new contract, which contains some interesting clauses:

Apparently, section eight of the 32-year-old’s contract stipulates that Morgan “shall be entitled to enter licensed premises and purchase a Captain & Cola beverage for each patron in attendance.” In doing this, he must also “turn to face the patrons, extend his arms to form the shape of a ‘Y’ and shout, ‘There’s only one Captain Morgan!'”

Thankfully, if any patrons have imbibed to much, he will be required to say: “Only anchors go overboard. Please drink responsibly.”

It is not known what will happen if Morgan fails to fulfil these terms the next time he is in a licensed premises. Perhaps he will be forced to walk the plank. Or contract scurvy.

This isn’t the first time the Leicester centre-back has joined forces with the drink that bears his name: In May, a limited-edition bottle featured Morgan’s face. Eleven thousand were made available and they sold out in 24 hours.

Leicester City may not be entirely happy that one of their active players is promoting alcohol—and that he is inferring his Foxes contract isn’t his best one!—but he has form for booze-based generosity. When the Foxes won the league, he spent £140 buying everyone in the local bar a Jägerbomb.

So, if you’re ever in a bar in the Leicestershire area and you see Morgan throw his arms into a ‘Y’ shape, you know it’s about to go down.