Watch Larry David do Bernie Sanders on ‘SNL’

Larry David did a near-pitch-perfect portrayal of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders on “Saturday Night Live’s” cold-opening sketch on Saturday.

“We’re doomed! We need a revolution!” David’s Sanders said during a parody of last week’s Democratic presidential debate.

“I’m the only candidate up here who’s not a billionaire,” the “Curb Your Enthusiasm” star continued. “I don’t have a super PAC. I don’t even have a backpack. I carry my stuff around loose in my arms like a professor, you know, between classes. I own one pair of underwear — that’s it.”

So what did the real Bernie Sanders think of the impersonation?

“I think we’ll use Larry at our next rally,” Sanders said on ABC’s “This Week With George Stephanopoulos” Sunday. “He does better than I do.”

The Sanders campaign also tweeted its favorite line.

“,” David’s Sanders told the audience. “Check it out. It’s a mess.”

Campaigning in Iowa Sunday, Sanders fact-checked one part of David’s impersonation.

“Last week, I bought my second pair of underwear,” Sanders told supporters. “Please don’t write it down. That was a joke. … I have an ample supply of underwear.”