Bernie is sick of Hillary's emails. What about the rest of the country?

Hillary Clinton got off unscathed on the central issue that has dogged her campaign for months. “The American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails,” said Sen. Bernie Sanders, prompting the former secretary of state to shake his hand in what will likely be one of the more memorable moments of the Democratic debate. Clinton deftly handled the inevitable questions, using her emails as a vehicle to bash her tormentors on the Benghazi panel: “This committee is an arm of the Republican National Committee,” she said. But her claim that she’s answered “all” the questions about her use of a private email server will get more scrutiny: She said the use of a private server was “allowed” by the State Department. By whom? She said that she asked that all of her emails be made public. But only after they were uncovered by the Benghazi committee and there were multiple Freedom of Information lawsuits to make them public. And what about the 30,000 “personal” emails she deleted? All questions for Oct. 22 — when she’ll appear before a more skeptical audience on Capitol Hill.

Slideshow: First Democratic debate >>>