Tiny Twins Hold Hands After Being Born at 28 Weeks

A precious video of premature twins holding hands has gone viral, as the early display of love between the tiny brother and sister has amazed people around the world.

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Mom Anthea Jackson-Rushford, of Melbourne, Australia, captured footage of her infants, Kristiana and Kristian, clinging to each other’s miniature hands while snuggling on their father’s chest in the hospital. “He actually holds her hand,” she says off camera. “How is that possible? That’s just unbelievable.” The clip, which Jackson-Rushford posted on her Facebook page on Jan. 13, has since been viewed more than 10 million times and shared more than 148,000:

The infants were born on Jan. 4 at 28 weeks and a day and weighed in at “under a kilo each,” or less than 2.2 pounds, she wrote.


(Photo: Facebook/cookie.jackson)

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Mom, nicknamed “Cookie,” has since posted more precious photos and videos of the babies, who have been getting lots of skin-to-skin cuddle time with Mom and Dad. “Both my angels holding hands again as if they were born to! Amazing sight!” she captioned one close-up photo of their overlapping hands.


(Photo: Facebook/cookie.jackson)

On another photo series, Mom wrote, “As you can clearly see, they can’t stop holding hands!” Along with a video of the twins being held, this time against Mom’s chest, the caption reads, “Kristian being protective big brother” as he grabs his sister’s fingers while she, incredibly, holds on to her own pacifier as she’s sucking it.


The proud parents. (Photo: Facebook/cookie.jackson)

In an earlier post, just before that of the viral video, Jackson-Rushford explained her aim in sharing so many photos.

“We realize it may be a tad bit disturbing seeing our twins with tubes but they are preemie babies so it is understandable and normal,” she wrote. “I’m sharing photos and videos for the simple reason that it gives hope to all parents out there that even they do just fine! I Googled like crazy looking for hope when we told we might be Prem. I would love to see this kind of positivity as a mum that faces the possibility of a premature baby. To all parents that face this, be comforted in knowing that today anything is possible and your babies will be just fine!!!”

(Top photo: Facebook/cookie.jackson)

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