My Toddler Bit a Classmate: Should I Freak Out?


Biting is normal, Jess P. Shatkin, MD, vice chair for education at NYU Langone’s Child Study Center, tells Yahoo Parenting. “Toddlers are old enough to understand a lot, but they can’t express themselves in sophisticated ways. So they grab, bite or hit.” Your toddler likely bit his or her classmate out of frustration, to get attention, or even just to see what the experience was like. Since you’re hearing about it after the fact, ask the teacher to explain what happened, then calmly talk to your child. “Say, ‘I know how it feels to be angry or to not get what you want,’” says Shatkin. “‘When you’re angry, tell Mommy, Daddy, or a teacher.’ You may have to explain this to your child repeatedly but eventually they’ll get it.” It also helps to consistently praise kids when they’re able to work through a frustrating moment — say, a sibling steals their favorite toy — without biting. The good news: Shatkin says most kids outgrow this behavior.

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