Laundry Hacks: Save Time (and Energy) With 8 Easy Tips

Laundry is inevitable; unfortunately, that pile of dirty clothing is not going anywhere on its own. But, let’s admit it—there are few things better than fresh bed sheets. Since you’ll be facing your hamper time and time again, Tidy Tova is back this week to show us how to approach laundry day with a sustainable mind.

1. Shop green. Invest in a washing machine and dryer with an Energy Star label. These certified machines use 37% less energy and 50% less water than regular machines, creating an economical and sustainable combination.

2. Go cold. Washing clothing with cold water not only saves energy, but it’s better for your clothes too! Cold water will keep your colors bright, prevent stains from setting, and reduce wrinkling.

3. Sort as you go. Separate dirty laundry as you throw it into the hamper.  Using a 3-bag laundry hamper will cut out the sorting step and save you time when taking care of laundry. Separate whites, colors, and delicates as they enter the hamper.

4. Ditch the bleach. Replace bleach with ½ cup of lemon juice to brighten your whites, naturally. For tough stains, toss in an eco-friendly oxy boost.

5. Fill it up. Run full loads and clean out the dryer’s lint filter between uses. Taking proper care of your machines and making sure you’re fully utilizing each washing cycle are good laundry habits to establish.

6. Tennis, anyone? Toss one or two tennis balls into your dryer to help circulate air between clothing thereby reducing the amount of time needed to fully dry. In case that’s not enough, the balls serve as fabric softeners and can be used again and again. (Can you say sustainable?)

7. Double duty your dryer cloths. Wet dryer cloths, like the ones Honest makes, are great because they can be used for 2 loads of laundry, cutting down unnecessary waste. Even after that, the cloths work great as a dust collecting wipe for surfaces around the house or in your car.

8. Get your fold on. To reduce wrinkling, avoid leaving freshly laundered clothing in a mound and instead fold your clothing while it’s still warm. This will help reduce wrinkles and the amount of ironing needed. Get those sheets back on your bed immediately to assure a crisp, clean look.

~Tidy Tova

Tidy Tova is a Professional Organizer based in NYC. She is passionate about organization and hopes to make the world a tidier place. You can follow her on twitter and Instagram, and read more tips on her blog.

Can you think of any tips we missed? Let us know in the comments section below!