Hilarious Things Kindergartners Say #LiveFromSnackTime


Hang out with a small child for a few minutes, and you’re bound to hear some crazy-funny things. Now imagine spending all day, every day with a group of  5- and 6-year-olds — you’ll overhear an endless number of nutty questions and comments that shed light on the curious way kids think about things and process the world around them.

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That’s what one anonymous New York City elementary school teacher experienced when she taught kindergarten. The bizarre things her young charges blurted out inspired this self-professed “educator/eavesdropper” to launch the Instagram account #LiveFromSnackTime.

Here, she posts the best classroom quotes she hears from the young kids she teaches, as well as kid quotes sent in by parents and teachers.


#LiveFromSnackTime, also on Twitter, has racked up more than 14,000 followers, and these examples show why it’s so popular. You’ll be charmed — or even a little freaked out! — by the weird, funny, honest, and even dark things that come out of children’s mouths.

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