Have You Ever Felt Judged as a Parent? This Video Is for You

Parenting comes with a slew of decisions that often require picking a team: Are you more Team Baby-Wearing or Team Stroller-Pushing? Team Breastmilk or Team Formula? Team Work or Team Stay-at-Home?


In theory, picking a team is a personal decision that simply says, “This is what works me.” In reality, moms and dads sometimes get a little too enthusiastic (that’s a good word for it, right?) and turn it into, “I’m right. You’re wrong.”

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Sad, yes. But mostly absurd, as illustrated in a hilarious viral video by formula brand Similac called “The Mother ‘Hood.” So far, the parental turf war has more than 390,000 views on YouTube.


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The clip begins with various cliques of parents holding court on a playground in a way that resembles a high school cafeteria. The groups fire insults at each other: Stay-at-home dads tease the helicopter moms, the working moms ask stay-at-home moms what they do all day (they snarkily answer their own question, “Manicures and pedicures, of course.”), and “The Breast Police” shoots some major side-eye at the “bottle-feeders.”


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Just before the big throw-down, something happens that makes them realize they’re actually all on the same team: Team Love.


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