'What Would People Think, Say, or Do If I Let My Son Dress Up Like a Girl for Halloween?'

Every October, my 8-year-old son C.J. and I do a Halloween practice run. It’s our last chance to make sure he has everything he needs, costume-wise, for his favorite holiday. My gender nonconforming son loves girl clothes and wants to be treated like a girl, and perhaps this is most apparent to outsiders during trick-or-treat season, when C.J is dressed as Elle Woods or a fairy or, this year, a car hop girl. For my husband and I, Halloween is a time when we’re reminded of how we’ve evolved as parents and the important lessons our son’s Halloweens have taught us. A look back at his costumes over the years reminds me of how much we’ve learned about parenting: Why would we limit our children to pink to blue, when they may be happier and healthier being more colorful? (All images: Lori Duron)