Write to know: Church collects warm clothes for needy

Church group seeks warm hats, gloves

Dear Write to Know: The TakeAway Program and Pantry at St David's Episcopal Church in South Yarmouth provides meals and personal hygiene products to the needy of Cape Cod. If groups or organizations are looking to donate items to community programs, we would welcome donations of hats, mittens, gloves or scarves for distribution to the attendees at the next event on Dec. 15. Donations can be dropped off in the Common Room at 205 Old Main St., South Yarmouth. Please mark all donations with TMP/PP. 508-221-6148.

R.B., South Yarmouth

Dear R.B.: We hope groups and organizations will donate items to help the needy. Thanks for writing in.

Slow cooker vs. instant pot

Dear Write to Know: What is the difference between slow cookers and instant pots? I have been interested in trying an instant pot but would like more information about it. Thanks.

G.R., Mashpee

Dear G.R.: According to www.goodhousekeeping.com, the instant pot came out in 2010 as an electric pressure cooker for the ordinary cook. Their main function, pressure cooking, is to cook food by raising the boiling point of water and trapping steam in order to reduce cook time. The crock pot has been around since the 1970s. They’re made with heat-insulating stoneware which helps maintain a consistent temperature so the food cooks slowly. In general, crock pots are less expensive than instant pots and come in more sizes. Good luck!

Places to donate knitted goods

Dear Write to Know: Hey! I am a retired charity knitter and wanted to add a few organizations to your reply to G.S. in Sunday’s column. I donate many knitted items (children & adults) to all of these:

*Knots of Love. Knots of love.org. I send them hats for chemo patients.

*Lemons of Love. Lemonsoflove.org. These folks make up care packages for cancer patients. I knit hats for them.

*Binky Patrol takes hand knit blankets for folks in need. (binkypatrol.org)

*Knitted Knockers (knittedknockers.org) has information on knitting prosthetics for breast cancer survivors.

*I’ve also knit scarves for Knit your Bit. It’s a program through the WWII Museum in New Orleans whereby any veteran who visits gets a scarf created by a volunteer:


There are lots of Knit for Charity groups on Facebook and on Ravelry.com sites. As you can tell, I truly love spending all my spare retirement time on my hobby and love to spread the word!

Thanks! (Love your column!) 508-776-9816 cell.

S.S., Yarmouth Port

Dear S.S.: This is a wonderful list of places that take donated knitted items. We hope our crafty readers will save this list for future reference.

Some mailboxes changed to thwart theft

Dear Write to Know: Why are we unable to use the drive by mailboxes outside the post office?

B.M., Dennis

Dear B.M. We stopped by the Dennis Post Office, 788 Main St. to inspect the outside mailbox. It is the kind of mailbox that takes letters but not larger packages. In some places, mailboxes with pulldown handles are being replaced with narrow letter slot boxes. One reason for the change is that it is harder for thieves to steal mail. Hope this helps answer your question.


To G.S., Dennis Port: In last week’s column, we omitted the name of the organization that knits prosthetic breasts for mastectomy patients. You can learn more about the Knitted Knockers at their website www.knittedknockers.org.


Dear Write to Know: Free: Two twin mattresses and two twin foam mattress toppers. You pick up. West Falmouth across from the Chapoquoit Grille. 508-540-0762.

C.L., West Falmouth

Write your problem, sign your name, give your address, telephone number, and send it to: Write to Know, Cape Cod Times, 319 Main St., Hyannis, MA 02601, or email wtk@capecodonline.com. Please note: We accept listings for giveaway items only, no items for sale. No telephone inquiries are accepted.

This article originally appeared on Cape Cod Times: Write to know: Church collects warm clothes for needy