Woman discovers creepy trove of floppy disks in the woods

The internet is aghast after a TikTok user shared footage of a creepy discovery she made under a wooden path.

User @jia_g, who is a street cleaner, said she was in the woods filming a PSA about the importance of keeping paths clear during the fall when she noticed “something seriously sketchy was going on.”

She spotted something reflective through the wooden planks she was clearing. When she pulled the container out, she called it a “hidden cache or experimental technology.” It was a box of floppy disks.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s military,” she said, seemingly serious but potentially making a joke about what an old medium floppy disks are.

Some TikTok users weren’t convinced that the video was authentic.

“This is staged, the floppy disks are still clean. I actually feel sad for this generation, they dunno or experience tech from back in the day,” one commenter wrote.

“This hurt to watch. I seriously hope its a joke,” another said.

The tables turned in @jia_g’s next update, though.

After picking the lock on the floppy disk container, she went to the library to look at what was on the old-school devices.

She explained in the video that she thought the whole thing might be a geocache, but she found one disk that said “body in water” on it, so she continued to investigate.

According to @jia_g, most of the videos were encrypted and password protected — except for one.

It had two files on it. One was titled “Sam” and had a “creepy” ASCII portrait of a man on it. The other looked like a “garbled mess” until she zoomed out and found a poem.

“Divine hath brought the flame, but naught the mind with which to tame it. I bring a gift of grand design, a woman and her payment. Feminine automation, Godscraft to harm all men. Spills god’s secrets on the floor a new age shall begin,” the poem read.

She asked for help decoding it.

Most of the responses to this video, which is her most popular so far with 2.6 million views, encouraged her to turn the disks over to the police and post the mystery on Reddit.

Others speculated that this might be an elaborate troll, and could end with a Rickroll or another “I ain’t never seen two pretty best friends” bait-and-switch.

Things took yet another turn in the third video, though.


Thanks for all the help @cryptothellama !! I can’t believe I’m in this deep



♬ Blade Runner 2049 – Synthwave Goose

After recapping the saga, @jia_g said she tried a number of suggested passwords to unlock the other disks. The word “Pandora” finally worked, as the poem from the last video was seemingly an allusion to the story of “Pandora’s Box.

She sent the information she had to @cryptothellama, a TikTok user who specializes in decoding cryptic messages. He found three poems and three coordinates in Houston, New Orleans and Philadelphia.

To end the video, she enthusiastically asked for help finding the next coordinate so that she “can go there in the next part” — and that set off red flags for commenters.

“This is a marketing stunt,” one user wrote.

“This is 100% staged but I’m here for it,” another added.

“I mean I’m down to believe this is real but to everyone who says it’s not, even if it’s not just have fun?? Do you remember what that is??? FUN????” a third said.

Is it a marketing stunt? A message from aliens? Clues to solving a murder? An elaborate prank? We’ll just have to wait for part 4 to find out.

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