Wickliffe: Concerts at Coulby Park intended to test out having an amphitheater

Jul. 4—Wickliffe Mayor Joe Sakacs is planning to have a couple of test runs at Coulby Park to get a feel for what it would be like to have an amphitheater there and to see the community interest.

The city will team with the Wickliffe Forever Foundation, a community-based nonprofit organization, to host a concert at Coulby, 28730 Ridge Road, Aug. 12, that will start at 6:30 p.m. Food trucks and alcohol will be available, and the band Sumrada will perform.

"We do have concerts in the park at Jindra," Sakacs said. "It's kind of a different atmosphere. I would like to try it up here. We have a gazebo and plenty of space to bring chairs. There's an ordinance that prohibits the city to sell alcohol at Coulby, but Wickliffe Forever can take care of the alcohol. There will be beer, White Claw, wine, Truly and those types of things."

Sumrada is a band that gears toward everyone, performing music from the 1970s, '80s, '90s and today, Sakacs said.

"They're a great band with a good following and with music that makes everybody happy," he said. "We're going to try this out to see the interest. I'm excited because this is one thing that will bring people to our beautiful park up here."

Sakacs has been looking into outside funding and grants for the amphitheater, which will take a couple of years to get up and running if it were to come.

"Everybody's heard me talking about an amphitheater at Coulby one day," Sakacs said. "Other cities are doing it and that's good, but we don't have shoreline, we do not have a thriving downtown as of yet, but what we do have is a beautiful park at Coulby Mansion City Hall where our big pool is. Not everybody is into sports, exercise and recreation, so I'd like to create an atmosphere for socializing and relaxing."

The city plans to discuss changing the ordinance to where Wickliffe can sell alcohol at similar events in the future to cover costs, Sakacs said.

"Other cities are doing it and we need to talk about if it makes sense for our city to do it," he said. "I'm passionate about the amphitheater, but until then, I want to try it out at Coulby at the gazebo."

Founded in early 2015, Wickliffe Forever's goal is to improve the community of Wickliffe by working with city officials, the school board and other community-based groups. The nonprofit's plan is to bring more community events to the city, revitalize the business district and restore home values along with helping the schools maintain excellence.