What's A Horror Movie Plot So Messed Up, You Wish You Never Even Read Its Wikipedia Page?

Listen — we've all been there: you find yourself bored, perusing the interwebs, and you happen upon a post about a super-scary horror movie that you KNOW you're not going to sit through. So, naturally, you just take a little sneaky peeky at the Wikipedia plot summary, and...you instantly regret it.

Lions Gate Films

So, it's time to fess up: What's a horror movie plot so disturbing, you actually regret even READING about it?

Universal Pictures

Maybe you were like, "Antichrist can't be THAT bad" and then discovered...oh no, it's worse.

  Ifc Films / ©IFC Films/Courtesy Everett Collection
Ifc Films / ©IFC Films/Courtesy Everett Collection

Or perhaps you read the plot summary for Tusk and wished you could remove your eyeballs from your head and wash them off after.

  Courtesy Everett Collection / A24
Courtesy Everett Collection / A24

Heck, maybe you only made it through the first paragraph of Audition and found yourself wishing that whole Eternal Sunshine memory-erasing procedure was real.

  Vitagraph Films Llc / ©Vitagraph Films LLC/Courtesy Everett Collection
Vitagraph Films Llc / ©Vitagraph Films LLC/Courtesy Everett Collection

Share the horror movie plot so disturbing, you regret even reading about — and a little about WHY it bothered you so much — in the comments below for a chance to be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post and/or video!

Sony Pictures Releasing