Want to help get Mama Hattie’s House built in Overtown? Check out this jazzy event

Have plans for the weekend?

Here’s a Saturday night twofer: Listen to some smooth jazz and do good for the community.

The Jazz Under the Stars benefit will help raise funds to build Mama Hattie’s House, a five-story, 34,000 square foot facility for at-risk girls, located in the heart of Miami’s Overtown community.

The event will feature jazz singer Carole Ann Taylor and her trio, plus DJ Spencer Pratt (not the reality star).

Mama Hattie’s will offer a safe, supportive residence for those aging out of foster care, exiting detention or transitioning from homelessness, abuse and neglect. The young ladies will not only get emotional, social, academic and career support but leave “prepared to lead fulfilling and productive lives,” the local agency says.

While living at the sprawling complex, residents will have access to on-call medical and mental health services, and a host of other on-site support services. There will be common spaces for dining, studying, social gatherings, music, and more. A commercial kitchen is where girls will be fed healthy meals and snacks daily, and where they can learn to cook as well.

Mama Hattie’s is slated for construction by the year 2023 on a 30,000 square foot parcel of land conveyed by Miami-Dade County. The house, which includes a rooftop garden, will be surrounded by environmentally friendly landscaping and run on solar-powered energy.

Who’s Mama Hattie, you ask? She’s Girl Rocks’ founder Thema Campbell’s late grandmother who opened her home up to help strangers in need in the small rural town of Sparta, Georgia.

“Some came for the food and fellowship. Some came because they had nowhere else to go. And some came to escape homelessness or abuse,” writes Campbell on the organization’s website. “Most of all, Mama Hattie’s house was a safe haven for girls seeking love, acceptance and nurturing.”

Info: The Jazz Under the Stars fundraiser is from 6-10 p.m Saturday at a private home located at 300 NE 150th St., Miami Shores. Tickets: www.girlpowerrocks.org or EventBrite. Food trucks and beverages are on site. Bring your lawn chairs and blankets.