Veith named 'Officer of the Year'

Nov. 26—POINT PLEASANT — Point Pleasant Chief of Police Joe Veith was recently named the 2021 Mason County Law Enforcement Officer of the Year.

This was the 9th annual presentation of the award sponsored by the Point Pleasant Rotary Club.

The award is normally presented at the Law Enforcement Appreciation Banquet held annually by Rotary but due to COVID-19 safety precautions, the dinner was canceled for both 2020 and 2021. However, both Veith and 2020 Officer of the Year Recipient Sgt. Jeffery Sweeney, retired from the WVDNR, will be officially recognized at the 2022 Law Enforcement Banquet. Sweeney also nominated Veith for the award.

Veith was recognized on behalf of Rotary by Club President Alex Dickens at the Mason County Courthouse. He received his own Officer of the Year Award, as well as the Traveling Trophy which displays all past recipients to be displayed at the Point Pleasant Police Department Office for one year. Veith also received a check for $500.

Chief Veith's family members were in attendance for the presentation, along with Point Pleasant Mayor Brian Billings and City Clerk Amber Tatterson, PPPD staff and Sweeney.

Veith is married to wife Tess and they have two adult sons — Eric (Haylee) Veith and Putnam County Deputy Justin Veith.

Chief Veith's nomination form included the following:

Has been part of the law enforcement community in Mason County since 1988;

Graduate of the West Virginia State Police Academy in 1989 with a 92 percent GPA;

Began as a patrolman in the Town of Mason and was later appointed Police Chief in 1990;

In 1991, became a patrolman with the City of Point Pleasant, working his way through the ranks and in 2013 was appointed chief of the Point Pleasant Police Department;

Described as a "self-starter" who "has always led by example," he was also noted as "the pulse of the Point Pleasant Police Department and has his hands on the day to day activity that goes on in Point Pleasant";

Established strong relationships with other agencies, from local, to state (including in neighboring Ohio), to federal;

Volunteers as a coach with Mason County Youth Wrestling;

Described as an avid hunter, kayak fisher enthusiast.

"Our congratulations go out to Joe and his family for a job well done," according to a statement from Rotary.

Information provided by the Point Pleasant Rotary Club.