TxDOT cuts through "white noise" with campaigns

Jul. 2—Public reminded to stay safe during July Fourth weekendThe Texas Department of Transportation spokesperson for the Odessa District said during a phone interview it can be challenging to warn people of the dangers of drinking and driving.

Gene Powell, the spokesperson for TxDOT's Odessa District, said the department tries to cut through the "white noise" with various campaigns throughout the year.

TxDOT released its "Faces of Drunk Driving" campaign in June and Powell said those warnings are amplified during an extended holiday weekend for the Fourth of July. Powell said he doesn't want fun to turn into a funeral.

"We encourage people to make sure they are being as safe as they can be on the road," Powell said. "Some of the messaging can sound repetitive, but when you consider we had over 1,000 people killed in drinking and driving crashes, obviously the messages need to be repeated often.

"We are still seeing the same kinds of crashes that we've seen for decades. We aren't saying you can't go out and have a good time. We aren't saying you can't have adult beverages. We are asking you to do it responsibly and have someone who is sober available to drive you home."

According to the most recent TxDOT campaign, 1,061 people died in drunk driving related collisions in 2021. That equates to 24% of all traffic deaths in Texas were caused by drunk driving.

Powell broke those numbers down even further by talking specifically about the Odessa District.

In 2021, Powell said there were 144 fatal collisions in the Odessa District and 38 of those were drunk driving related. Powell said during last year's Fourth of July there were 11 drunk driving related collisions with one fatality. He said there's potential for that number to be higher this year with the extended holiday weekend.

"The biggest thing is to make people realize that it's personal responsibility that makes the difference," Powell said. "Our campaigns can be fun. They can be serious. They can be dramatic. They can be melodramatic. Until a person gets behind the wheel and says 'I'm going to do the right thing.' The messages don't fix anything. People's action is what fixes things."

TxDOT details the "Faces of Drunk Driving" campaign reminds us that the human toll of a drunk driving crash devastates the lives of survivors forever. Drinking and driving can have serious physical, emotional and financial consequences that can last for years. A DWI/DUI can be expensive and lead to legal hassles, difficulty finding or keeping a job, loss of trust from loved ones, and regret.

The "Faces of Drunk Driving" campaign will feature events around the state to share stories of Texans who deal with the consequences of a drunk driving crash every day of their lives. Events will include an exhibit of powerful video testimonials. Full video stories and other impaired driving information can be found at SoberRides.org.

The newest campaign from TxDOT is an important piece of the larger Drive Sober. No Regrets. campaign. It is a key component of #EndTheStreakTX, a broader social media and word-of-mouth effort that encourages drivers to make safer choices while behind the wheel, like wearing a seat belt, driving the speed limit, never texting and driving and never driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.

November 7, 2000, was the last deathless day on Texas roadways. #EndTheStreakTX asks all Texans to commit to driving safely to help end the streak of daily deaths on Texas roadways.