Tucker Carlson addresses resignation of top writer after racist/sexist posts exposed

On Tucker Carlson Tonight Monday, Carlson addressed the controversy surrounding his former top writer Blake Neff, who resigned on Friday after being exposed by a CNN investigation for having spent years posting racist and sexist remarks online under a pseudonym.

Video Transcript

TUCKER CARLSON: For years since he was in college, Blake posted anonymously on an internet message board for law school students. On Friday, many of those posts became public. Blake was horrified by the story, and he was ashamed. Friday afternoon, he resigned from his job.

- I'm Tucker Carlson Tonight Monday, Carlson addressed the controversy surrounding his former top writer Blake Neff, who resigned after he was exposed on Friday for having spent years posting racist and sexist remarks online.

TUCKER CARLSON: What Blake wrote anonymously was wrong. We don't endorse those words. They have no connection to the show. It is wrong to attack people for qualities they cannot control. In this country, we judge people for what they do, not for how they were born. Blake fell short of that standard, and he has paid a very heavy price for it.

- Carlson also appeared to defend Neff, and lashed out at those who would delight in his downfall.

TUCKER CARLSON: But we should also point out to the ghouls now beating their chests in triumph for the destruction of a young man that self-righteousness also has its costs. We are all human. When we pose as blameless in order to hurt other people, we are committing the grievous sin of all, and we will be punished for it.

- Just moments earlier on MSNBC, Chris Hayes was already diving deep into Neff's work on Carlson's show and played a clip of Carlson praising Neff's writing.

TUCKER CARLSON: Well, I mean, I write, you know, every night. I work on the scripts. We have a wonderful writer, Blake Neff, on the show.

- A wonderful writer, wonderful writer. The guy who says, I wouldn't get lasik from Asians for free.

- Hayes then went on to lambaste Carlson. Not just for his show, but for the Daily Caller as well, an online publication, which Carlson co-founded, that also employed Neff.

- We have a guy, who had a racist writing his scripts for years, who founded a publication that employed multiple peoples with ties to white nationalism, who has been praised, again, and, again, by the most outspoken racists in the country, who love his show. A man who's hemorrhaged advertisers over the year, because on his show, he sounds just like Blake Neff.