New truckers' strike could bring Spain to a halt

STORY: A truckers’ strike brought Spain to a halt earlier this year.

Now it might be about to happen again.

On Monday (November 14) truck drivers began a new stoppage with a march through Madrid.

They were demanding changes to road freight rules, and protesting over the cost of living.

Marchers held placards with slogans like “we don’t want subsidies, we want solutions”.

Nuria Hernan is the wife of one driver:

“In fact, there are many people who are going bankrupt in the transport sector because they can't cover their expenses, it's not worth going out to work, people get very discouraged, so either things change or we will have a very bad time.”

A month-long strike in the spring brought supply chains to a halt, caused food shortages and spurred inflation.

In the end, the drivers won a package of support worth just over $1 billion.

That included fuel rebates and a cash bonus.

But unions say the support has been overwhelmed by the soaring cost of fuel.

Monday’s protests are just the latest signs of simmering discontent in Spain.

Recent days have seen a rally against the Madrid region’s health policies, and a general demonstration against rising living costs.
