We tried TikTok's 'ranch pickles' hack

These 'ranch pickles' put dill pickles to shame

Video Transcript

DILLON THOMPSON: People on the internet are putting ranch seasoning into their pickle jars. Why? Because apparently it tastes amazing. So we're going to try it and find out for ourselves.


So this hack for making homemade ranch pickles has been everywhere lately. We got to try this thing to see if it actually holds up. So to start, we're gonna get a big jar of dill pickles from the store and dump out a little bit of the juice over the sink. Then we'll add a full packet of ranch seasoning over the top, give it a big, big shake, and put these bad boys in the fridge for two days to cool and marinate. All right, so our pickles are finally ready, and it's time to try these things and give them an overall score out of 10.

Oh, man. Wow. These things are really, really, really good. They're easily the best pickle recipe we've tried in the show. The ranch seasoning doesn't take away from them, like the Kool-Aid pickles we tried in the past. If anything, it just adds to the tried-and-true dill formula that makes pickles so good to people who love them. We're going to give them a nine out of 10, and maybe I'm going to have to stop being a regular dill and start being a ranch dill.