Traffic calming methods for North Augusta discussed by city council

Oct. 26—North Augusta City Council discussed installation for speed bumps within the city during its study session Monday.

Engineering and Public Works Director Tom Zeaser presented information to council as a way to implement traffic calming.

The speed bumps are just one way to combat high speeds within a city, he said. Reducing speed limits within neighborhoods and adding four-way stops are another way to slow speeds.

Some council members seemed receptive to the idea, while others were hesitant based on personal experiences and how it could affect public safety officers' vehicles and response times.

"I'm not a fan, mainly for the emergency vehicles and what I have found is that people will speed in between them," Council member Eric Presnell said. "They will get over it and they will still break the speed limit to get to the next one, slam on their brakes. At the end of the day, no matter what we do, reducing the speed limits or putting up speed humps, it's not going to stop someone from speeding."

Mayor Briton Williams said based on his experience during the recent election campaign that many citizens are interested in it due to feeling like their streets are "cut throughs" or shortcuts.

Council member Jenafer McCauley found similar results during her campaign and personal experiences.

Williams suggested that city staff should look at Greenville and its traffic calming mechanisms to see how those can be used in North Augusta. Council also seemed receptive to a speed limit sign that also flashed the motorist's speed directly underneath.

"It is an issue, so I am gladly looking at this," Williams said.

Council member Pat Carpenter was not in attendance.

Other business:

* The voting process for the 2022 river event concludes at the end of the month. Citizens can complete the survey online.

* The final vote on the 2022 budget will occur during the Nov. 1 meeting.

* An ordinance to adopt a revised business license to create standardization will be introduced as new business during the Nov. 1 meeting.

* A public power hour will be held at 5 p.m. in council chambers at the North Augusta Municipal Building prior to the city council meeting on Nov. 1.

* The Christmas tree lighting at Calhoun Park is scheduled for Nov. 30 from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.

* City crews will start to go through the Georgia Avenue site for the next location of the public safety headquarters by clearing underbrush within the coming weeks. Large historical trees will not be removed, according to city administrator Jim Clifford, and Historic North Augusta will have some visibility to the area when getting close to the historic buildings.

Samantha Winn covers the city of North Augusta, with a focus on government and community oriented business. Follow her on Twitter: @samanthamwinn and on Facebook and Instagram: @swinnnews.