TikTok reveals what the symbols on cosmetic bottles really mean

There is a shelf life for many cosmetic products — from high-end makeup to drug store skincare.There are also a number of symbols you can find on the back of the packaging.which are used by companies to indicate specific information about the product.#TikToktaughtme, a popular hashtag on TikTok, hosts all sorts of helpful tutorials and videos on the social platform.including one by user Tracy, who goes by the handle totalnutso, about finding out what the jar on the back of products means.“I found out that this little symbol with a number and an ‘M’ on the back of products...is to tell you how long you have after breaking the seal to use it before it’s no longer considered good,” Tracy narrates.The “M” stands for months.While a handful of commenters already knew this, a couple of newbies were amazed by the news.Some makeup products have a standard shelf life, no matter the brand.Mascara lasts only four to six months because it’s applied close to your eyes and can easily pick up bacteria.Lipstick, bronzer, blush and eyeshadow can last anywhere from 18 months to two years because it’s harder for bacteria to grow