Teenage gunman charged with murder in fatal shooting near Yankee Stadium

A teenage gunman is accused of gunning down a rival during a fight across the street from Yankee Stadium in the Bronx earlier this month.

Police on Monday arrested Miguel Gonzalez, 17, charging him with murder in the fatal shooting of 22-year-old Malik Bright near the entrance of Mullaly Park.

Bright had survived a shooting last September in Brooklyn, and was out on bail for his role in the gun battle. According to his family, he got an urgent call on May 11 from his girlfriend, telling him to come to the park because she had just gotten into a fight.

Cops said Bright quarreled with a group of young men near the chess tables by park’s entrance, and a witness said Bright threatened to use a gun on his rivals.

Instead, he was shot twice in the back of the head. Medics rushed him to Lincoln Hospital, where he died two days later, cops said.

Last Sept. 7, Bright and another man, Tysheem Ceruti, 27, were shot by gunman Nicholas Seabrook on Putnam Ave. near Broadway in Bedford Stuyvesant. Ceruti was killed and Bright was struck in the elbow and leg. He pulled his own gun and returned fire at Seabrook, missing the accused killer.

Police arrested both Seabrook and Bright in January. Bright, who was out on $10,000 bond, had been due back in court Wednesday.

Gonzalez awaits arraignment in Bronx Criminal Court.