Tamaqua adult day care newest United Way partner

Oct. 3—"When I come to the Tamaqua Area Adult Day Care Center I am always greeted with a hot cup of coffee in the morning. My angels as I call them treat everyone like individuals and all our needs are met," said Ann Filandeno, who doesn't miss a day at the center.

"For personal care, they take care of everything and treat everyone with dignity. You can do things at your own speed or if you don't want to do something you don't have to. I can't see anymore. I can't color to stay in the lines but my angels all help me. And it's my drawing or craft and I can make it whatever I want to and no one judges you — no one grades it. They always say it's beautiful!"

Care for our family and loved ones is a concern we all have at one time or another. The team, or angels, as Ann calls them, at Tamaqua Area Adult Day Care Center have been serving the local community for decades.

They have a part-time registered nurse and all staff are certified in CPR, first-aid and diabetic care. Some are medically certified by the state.

From Monday through Friday, you might see folks doing arts and crafts or they may have a volunteer playing live music or leading a game of bingo. They will likely be celebrating someone's birthday or an upcoming holiday. There is even a salon on site. Breakfast, lunch and snacks are provided, too.

One donation to Schuylkill United Way fuels our programs and our 15 partner agencies who tackle everything from emergency assistance, to solid childhood development programs, to healing services for victims of abuse and to TAADCC — where you rest assured your loved one is in good hands.

You can donate via PayPal on our website, www.schuylkillunitedway.org. Checks can be sent to: Schuylkill United Way, 9 N. Centre St., Suite 301, Pottsville, PA 17901. Call our office at 570-622-6421 with any questions or to schedule a presentation for your business or organization.

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