Students join FNS staff at BISD Food Show

Feb. 8—No matter what you thought of your school lunchroom back in the day, the food today is much better than you remember, numerous servers, students and staff said Wednesday at the annual BISD Food Show.

"Brownsville ISD Food Services Department is the largest chain of food service establishments in Brownsville, so we love our customers, and everything we do we do for them, and we make it with love," FNS Director Jackie Cruz said.

Around her, students sampled foods from French toast breakfast morsels and cornbread bites, to succulent roast turkey and other meal items, fresh fruit and more.

Cruz, a registered dietitian, said she always points out that fact "because I want to make sure we are feeding our students so that they can have sustainable wellness practices that carry them into adulthood. ...What you see is students consuming healthy, nutritious food that they like, but there is so much that goes on behind the scenes, and that is our wonderful team of over 530 staff members that make up this network of professionals that wants to make sure our kids are well taken care of," she said.

A main purpose of the show was for vendors to have students sample new items and then provide feedback.

"This is the favorite part of my job, getting to see the kids and getting their feedback," one vendor said as students sampled the fresh fruit cups he was serving.

Among the thousands of students at the event were Eva Rodriguez, Johan Garcia, Ian Rodriguez and Anthony Abundiz, from Cromack Elementary. School counselor Norma Gonzalez accompanied them.

Off to one side of the ballroom where the event was held, Superintendent Rene Gutierrez enthusiastically posed for photos with numerous groups of students and staff from various campuses.