Steak-umm Starts Beef With Disinformation In Twitter Thread

The rise of viral disinformation in recent years has put America’s democracy at risk.

Since there’s a lot at stake, maybe it shouldn’t be too surprising that Steak-umm attempted to meet the moment on Wednesday when it posted a lengthy Twitter thread that distilled the problems and possible solutions of the country’s current disinformation.

It’s a lot to process ― which makes sense because Steak-umm is processed meat ― but the company made a lot of good points.

In the lengthy thread, Steak-umm blamed the rise of disinformation in part on public confusion when experts change opinions and guidance based on new data — things done in good faith — as well as the politicization of COVID-19, both of which were made worse by media amplification.

Steak-umm suggested experts could earn back public trust by acknowledging their own errors and being transparent about their processes.

The company also said skepticism can be a valuable tool, but only if it’s coming from “a relevant expert or institutional consensus.”

Steak-umm conceded that ideological divides are here to stay, but fights between opponents need to use “mutually understood language and comparable information or else conversations can’t get off the ground.”

But the most important point ― at least to Steak-umm’s thinking ― may have been the last tweet, in which it transparently explained the real reason for the thread: to promote the sale of processed meat.

Steak-umm’s social media account has built a reputation in recent months for attempting to explore complex ideas that corporations tend to avoid in their public communications.

For instance, back in April, Steak-umm started a Twitter beef with Neal DeGrasse Tyson about the difference between “science” and “truth.”

This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.