SSA Announces Update for the ‘My Social Security’ Platform

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Zinkevych /

The Social Security Administration’s “my Social Security” platform is getting a makeover designed to improve the experience — and perhaps push more people onto the platform.

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My Social Security, or MySSA, is an online resource that lets Social Security and Supplemental Security Income beneficiaries access information about the programs, review their benefits and update their personal information.

In an announcement on its website, the SSA said the update will make it easier for beneficiaries to conduct online business with the agency and access the information they need.

With the new design, people who receive Social Security or SSI benefits can now update their telephone numbers online and see more information under the “Benefits and Payments” section. Social Security beneficiaries can also change their addresses and direct deposit information under the “My Profile” tab.

If you are signed into your personal MySSA account, you can also continue to do the following:

  • Get your benefit verification or proof of income letter

  • Obtain replacement SSA-1099/SSA-1042S tax forms, if applicable

  • View your Social Security statement

  • Request a replacement Social Security card

As previously reported by GOBankingRates, MySSA is a potentially valuable financial and retirement preparedness tool because it prompts individuals early and clearly about important information and actions needed for financial and retirement planning.

However, the number of people with a MySSA account remains low, according to a study from the University of Michigan’s Michigan Retirement and Disability Research Center. The reasons more people don’t use it include a lack of awareness of MySSA; no relevance/need; security and privacy concerns; and low internet/computer literacy.

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If you are interested in creating a MySSA account or seeing the redesign, visit

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This article originally appeared on SSA Announces Update for the ‘My Social Security’ Platform