Sound Off for May 22

Stay safe from carjackings

I keep a can of wasp and hornet spray on the seat of our cars and truck at all times. You can hit a perpetrator with it 20 feet away. It’s safer than carrying a gun and very effective. You don’t have to worry about someone stealing it as you would about your gun being stolen.

Vote on formula shortage

Sorry. There’s no excuse for Republicans refusing to support any initiative by President Joe Biden. Yesterday not a single Republican voted on a bill to resolve the baby formula shortage. Apparently they will do anything and everything to worsen health and the economy to keep control.

Highway trash

Failure to pick up trash ahead of the mowers is only a southern transportation district problem. Both the central and northern districts do. I will certainly remember that for the next southern district director election and encourage you to also.

The UFO discussion

Congress is now discussing UFOs. God only knows how much money they will approve for paying them off in the future.

Goe Joe?

In response to the “Goe Joe” Sound Off: I don’t know if I should laugh or cry at that statement about President Biden. Have you looked around lately and checked on the status of our country? You are not even close.

It’s not all Biden’s fault

Joe Biden is a good president. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is causing high gas prices. High inflation is due to the bipartisan influx of money congress poured into the workforce during the pandemic. We’re still using the previous administration’s border policies and Congress is at fault for not offering better solutions. Giving Ukraine hundreds of billions of our tax dollars is a bipartisan/majority-backed effort. Racial divide and misinformation is all our own doing, because we refuse to accept the truth about ourselves.

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