The Sky Today, July 5, 2022

At 6:46 a.m.: The moon is opposite Neptune

In the morning, the Virgo moon opposes Neptune in Pisces, stimulating confusion. Because we are emotionally on-edge, it is extra difficult to “read” others. Strange interactions prompt paranoia or apprehensiveness.  Instead of being too hard on ourselves for misunderstandings, we might use this time to tend to creative ventures, blending Virgo precision with Piscean fluidity. How does it feel to color outside the lines? What sensations do musical tones illicit? How does nature place us in touch with beauty, divinity, and magic?

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At 11:04 a.m.: The moon is trine Pluto, and the moon void of course begins

In the late morning, the moon trines Pluto, offering fated connections. While definitive “answers” might seem beyond our grasp now, chance meetings prove to be revelatory. In fact, sometimes encounters are powerful precisely because they defy logic.  Another possibility is that this influence will expose secrets or hidden information. However, instead of burying knowledge out of discomfort, we will be open to exploring its meaning. Curiosity prompts transformational discoveries.  The moon then begins its void of course, instigating us to take a long lunch break or focus on in-progress projects rather than beginning new ones. 

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