Grab Shark's IQ self-emptying robot vacuum for $170 off at Wellbots

The robovac is available for $429.


Want to get a robot vacuum cleaner for Mother’s Day, or just to keep things tidy for yourself? It might be a good time to shop. Wellbots is selling Shark’s IQ robovac with a self-emptying base for $429, or $170 off, through both a $150 immediate discount and by entering the code ENGADGETCLEAN at checkout. When even a discounted iRobot Roomba i7+ was selling for $700 the week before, this should be a good deal if you’re interested more in raw functionality than a familiar name.

Buy Shark IQ robot vacuum on Wellbots - $430

The IQ, as the name implies, is one of the more intelligent robot vacuums in its price range. It maps your home to know where it should go and where it’s been, and the self-emptying feature saves you from having to deal with the dirt and debris for up to 30 days. There’s Alexa and Google Assistant support, too, so you can start a clean-up while you’re still on the couch. At $429, you’re getting a fair amount of robovac for your money — there are more expensive bots that do considerably less.

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