Inflation Is Bananas Right Now, So Tell Us How You're Changing Up Your Budget To Cope

Inflation has been driving prices up at the grocery store, the gas pump, service providers, and pretty much everywhere that people spend money. It sucksssss.

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So we want to hear from you about how you're dealing with these rising costs, whether you've got money-saving tips and tricks or just want a place to vent.

Maybe you've made some budgeting tweaks, like canceling subscriptions you don't use much or switching to a cheaper phone plan. Anything that helps you spend a little less on your regular monthly bills can make a difference right now.

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Or perhaps you have a money-saving hack that you swear by, like using rewards points to pay a little less when you fill up at the gas station. It takes a little more planning, but with gas prices like this, it's so worth it.

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Or maybe you've been having to cut back on essentials or aren't able to pay your bills on time any more since costs have risen so quickly. You're struggling more than you used to and aren't really sure how you're going to make ends meet.

Bravo / Via

Tell us how you're handling all this wild inflation in the comments or via this anonymous form, and you could be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post.